RedZone Robotics, Inc.
RedZone believes that managing wastewater assets is about managing data. The company has leading edge products to acquire all the data for your system and provide the asset management, decision-support software to make that data useful. The worldwide wastewater industry is plagued by a massive information deficit. Vital decisions are made regularly with incomplete information. RedZone helps people, cities and the environment by giving wastewater managers the information and tools they need to make fact-based decisions on how to spend limited funds.
Through the use of proprietary data acquisition robotics and industry-leading ICOM3 software, RedZone helps owners and engineers to comply with regulatory requirements; spend limited funds wisely, save money and the help the environment. RedZone helps solve the problems that arise from not knowing. With information in hand that has been previously unavailable, owner-operators receive smart data to make smart decisions on how to spend limited capital and O&M dollars.